Tasks of the Plenipotentiary of the Disabled are:
1. Representing the interests of the disabled students and doctoral students in the University’s community, authorities of the University and outside entities
2. Determining the needs for studying of the disabled:
a) disposing of barriers that do not allow the students to participate in the university’s community, artchitectural, transportation and IT access barriers included,
b) facilitating the acces to assistance or services for the students to be independent;
c) granting acces to didactic activities of students and doctoral students with disabilities or chronicaly ill;
d) granting the asstistance during everyday issues of the disabled students and doctoral students;
3. Actively enhancing the disabled students and doctoral students attitude toward and equal treatment;
4. Facilitating problem solving to all units on working with disabled students and doctorals students, informing about facilitating programmes, cultural events, research events, parties and meetings of disabled students;
5. The Plenipotentiary can also undertake actions in the scope of assistance or active participation in the students actions in plans during studies.